Home Staging for Investment Properties

(aka Property Presentation)

While home staging is a well established discipline for the sale of homes and houses, it is not so much established for the investment property sector. The common belief is that assets are bought and sold based on rational decisions but modern investment psychology tells us a different story and it seems to be an accepted fact that most (if not all) decisions – including “rational” decisions are, to a large degree, made on an emotional basis and are then subsequently rationalised by the mind in order to call it a “rational” decision.

It is therefore only a natural consequence to apply home staging principles to investment assets. Of course, any interested buyer of an asset will have a positive or negative emotion approaching a potential investment property to view and of course, we can help to make it a more positive one by making sure some principles are adhered to.

Inspired by and based on a recent feature article on home staging by my dear old friend and renowned Feng Shui expert Denise O’Dwyer, you can apply some easy principles to beef up your investment property for the sales process. Without any scientific basis, I would personally estimate something like a 20% increase in interest levels if and when a property makes a well cared for impression and the energy flow is in line with some of the major Feng Shui principles.

You have neglected the appearance of your investment property and have held back on cleaning and tidying up? Well, you better get started, if you want to sell your investment asset any time soon…..

The front door

To quote my friend Denise O’Dwyer: “In Feng Shui your front door is called the “Mouth of Qi” and represents the energy of opportunity. So, if you want opportunity to come knocking, it is crucial that your front door looks smart and well-tended”. Flaking paint, rusty fittings or old, peeling stickers, etc. will not bring vibrant Qi into your asset. Of course, any interested buyer or tenant will take this as a not so positive first impression. So, it is worth to spend some time, effort ad money to brush up your front door and entrance situation.


In Feng Shui, clutter is the number one cause for blocked energy. Also, as a rational being, just think about the effect it has on your own perception of a space. Mentally compare the image of a cluttered to a de-cluttered room to see how much more positive the uncluttered perception is.

The same principle also applies to the exterior of a property. So, to give a viewer a better first impression:

  • clean up the exterior: get the gardener to weed and to cut back shrubs and plants, mow the lawn, get the caretaker to collect rubbish regularly around your asset (even possibly on adjacent sites/walkways)
  • clean up the common areas (including the basement and any technical rooms!)

Paint (only some of it)

Bring in SOME fresh paint on any frail edges. This will lighten up any first impressions considerably and make even older properties in need of refurbishment look years younger and fresher.

Clean some more

After you have de-cluttered, get the cleaners in again and just make sure your asset looks nice and clean, even if it is your tenants’ responsibility, it is worth any additional investment to make sure the asset looks immaculate. This is particularly applicable to older assets in need of refurbishment. A nice smell can also help to give a better impression. Beware of cheap and artificial smells though as they can put people off easily.

Of course, there is much more you can and possibly should do to prepare an asset for sale. If you want specific advice on how to make your asset presentable, please send an email to book a free 30 minute initial consultation: info@janzenco.com or find out more about us on our website: www.janzenco.com

If you want to find out more about the positive effect Feng Shui can have on your personal life, business or your home, feel free to give Denise O’Dwyer a buzz: mail@fengshuielement.co.uk or check out her website: www.FengShuiElement.co.uk

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