The Magic Moment We Became a Family Business

Following on from my previous post about how to define a family business, I remembered the moment when we became a family business.

Of course, bearing in mind my comments about the difficulty in finding a common definition of the term, the moment we “became” a family business was more in our minds than following a specific event that put our business within such a definition. Read more

Family Office Typology

In my day-to-day business the term “family office” is frequently used but when the conversation goes a little deeper I regularly find that my counterparts have little or no understanding as to what it actually means. Apart from the notion that all family offices are ultra conservative investors and shy away from any risk (and opportunity), the only other common denominator is the involvement of a family.

So, what actually is a family office and are they all the same or, if not, how are they different? Read more

8 Key Steps To Your Family Social Responsibility Programme

This post was inspired by a blog post I read on corporate social responsibility for small businesses. The article is based on the premise that most small businesses do not have a formal social responsibility programme and that there is a perception that it is quite cumbersome and tedious to set one up.  Read more

Who Are My Family Members?

One of the questions that comes to mind when setting up family governance structures is whom to include in such a structure. In other words: who are the members to be governed? Read more

What Even is a Family Business?

What Even is a Family Business? Although often talked about and mentioned, little thought is given to what a familiy business actually is.

Are you Home Biased in Your Investment Approach?

I recently read an article by Kim Iskyan on Truewealth Publishing that was titled “Investing solely in your home country is like juggling live dynamite”. The article is geared towards publicly traded investments but got me thinking about its applicability towards property investment.

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Home Staging for Investment Properties

(aka Property Presentation)

While home staging is a well established discipline for the sale of homes and houses, it is not so much established for the investment property sector. Read more

Top 5 Mistakes Handing Over Real Estate Assets To The Next Generation

In my experience, spanning over 20 years of working in the property investment industry, I have observed recurring problems in the process of handing over real estate assets to the next generation. The list of the top 5 mistakes identified are as follows: Read more

Top 5 Make Or Break Points For Successful Philanthropy

Without having any claim to completeness, I have found a number of things to be important to the success of philanthropic activities. This list of key points resembles a list that could be drawn up for any business venture and that is one of the key conclusions I have come to: treat your philanthropic activities as you would treat a business venture!

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