Tag Archive for: impact

Ethical Finance Awards 2022

And the Winner is….

When we were invited to participate in the Ethical Finance Awards 2022 by Wealth & Finance International we thought it was meant as a joke but then we considered things more seriously. We asked ourselves if we were really sustainable enough to be award material.  To be honest, we could not really answer the question. We decided to put our foot forward always and here we are….

Announcing Winner of Ethical Finance Award 2022

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Top 5 Make Or Break Points For Successful Philanthropy

Without having any claim to completeness, I have found a number of things to be important to the success of philanthropic activities. This list of key points resembles a list that could be drawn up for any business venture and that is one of the key conclusions I have come to: treat your philanthropic activities as you would treat a business venture!

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Extended Family Business System

The Four Dimensions to Consider in Family Governance and Succession


Substantial writing has been done about the three dimensions “Family”, “Business” and “Ownership” when setting up a family governance structure.

However, the prevailing Three-Circle Model of the Family Business System as developed at Harvard Business School by Renato Tagiuri and John Davis in the 1970s is not entirely complete. Read more

Just A Little Respect and Dignity

Christmas is that time of the year when people start to think about giving, caring and being nice while at the same time everybody seems to be stressed out in the run-up to Christmas.

This morning, I had a little moment that really moved me. Read more

We Are All Stewards

Continuing on from my last blogpost, I want to expand on the responsibility theme.

As outlined in the previous blogpost, I strongly believe it is crucial to give your wealth a purpose and a meaning, I also touched on the responsibility that comes along with controlling wealth.

This responsibility can best be understood if you look at yourself as a steward who takes care of the wealth on behalf of others, such as future generations. It becomes even more plastic when you look at our responsibility as humankind to take care of the planet we live on. Read more

What Does It All Mean?

Let us assume you have run a successful business for a number of years or have come into an inheritance and enjoy a significant level of wealth at your disposal. You can afford a good lifestyle and have accumulated all the properties, cars, boats and jets that you can possibly enjoy.

If you do not have direct successors in place to take over or you think they are not worthy of your wealth or you think your wealth will spoil them, you may start asking yourself some serious questions. At some point, you are likely to come up against the question that keeps nagging in the back of your mind: “What does it all mean?”.

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